About Mrs. Duvall and Mrs. Munoz

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Stem challenge #1

I The winners!!!!!!
The challenge
The competitors 

Newsletter for the week of 8/10-8/14

Dugan Elementary 5th Grade Newsletter

Weeks of 8/10 and 8/17

OA1: Order of Operations
Uses parenthesis, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions, and evaluates expressions with these symbols
OA2: Written and Numerical Expressions
Writes simple expressions and interprets numerical expressions without evaluating them.

*S5E1: Constructive/Destructive Forces
Constructive changes (deposition, earthquakes and volcanoes)
Destructive (erosion, weathering, deposition, volcanoes, earthquakes, and impact of organisms)                                                                                                                                                                                          ELA/ Reading
RL3: Identifies characters, setting and events in a story
RL4: Determines meaning of words as they are used in the text (simile, metaphor, hyperboles, idiom, personification, imagery)
L1: Explain the function of conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections in general and their function in sentences.
ELACC5L2: Demonstrate command of conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing

                                                      Social Studies:
SS5G1-3: Citizenship and process by which amendments to the US Constitution are made                                                     

                                               Attention Super Readers!
5th grade will be doing 25 book tasks this year for students to earn their reading goals each month. This will begin in September. More info to follow soon!         

                                                      4H Corner
Send in pop tabs and empty printer cartridges!
Also, on 4H days wear (bring) either UGA stuff or 4H stuff to earn points!!!!

Important Dates

August 12: Wear black to support Kindergarten color day !
August 13: Stevie B’s Night
August 27: Stevie B’s Night
August 28: Back to School Dance 6pm
September 2: Early Release at 12:30
September 4: Progress Reports and 4-H…make sure you return your signed newsletter
September 7: Labor Day Holiday
September 16: Fall pictures
September 21-25: Fall Break-NO SCHOOL
Every Friday is Frozen Fruit Friday!  If you haven’t prepaid,
bring $1.00 to enjoy a tasty treat.
Every Friday is also hat day to raise money for Relay for Life $0.50